Video Post: Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl Review

Yep, I finally did it. My first video blog. I've been putting this over for ages because a) I'm not very good at editing videos and b) I'm really socially awkward and I talk really fast, but when I got my Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl a few weeks ago I knew the only way to really show it off was via video.
Now, I apologies in advance for this video. The quality isn't great, I talk really fast and get all confused and I accidentally turned my webcam off a couple of times without realising! But generally, this product is awesome and I would highly highly recommend it if you curl your hair regularly. Anyway, let's have a look...

(The Youtube link is here)

In the video I mention the results from the first day and the photos that I took (I actually found out when I rewatched the video that I told this story twice and had to edit it out!) and I said I'd include them in the blog post, so here they are...

7.30am: First photo of the day, straight after curling and with lots of hairspray Second photo, after work. Still holding up well. Let's see a comparison...
Of course, they're dropped a bit, as expected, but still pretty good for after work drinks!
10.30pm: Right before bed and still pretty good!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my first video post! Please let me know if you have any questions about the Perfect Curl (not about my bad videoing please!). I don't know if I'll do a video blog again. I think I'll stick to photos and writing!

Charlotte x


  1. Love the video sweetie! How crazy is the curling tool though..! Mental that it even been invented haha. Looks like it does a good job though :)
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  2. Wow, this is so awesome!! I had no idea this is how it worked - love how easy it looks to use, next on my list now haha :D Love your video! I am so like this whenever I try to record videos, although I haven't done a speaking one for like 2 years now?! I'm just like, 'What do I say?!' xx

  3. So weird (and cool) to hear you talk, I always imagined your would have a more high voice for some reason! I'm wayyyy to self conscious to make a video, and hearing myself talk makes me cringe! That curling tool looks amazing, although I barely have time to do my makeup in the morning, let alone curl my hair! You look so good with curls! x

  4. I also thought your voice would be higher. It was nice to actually hear you give opinion, rather than just read. Totally understand not wanting to do this too often, I'd find this a bit stressful.

    Having never looked at a curler, i found this very interesting. Fantastic results. Even more so, i wonder what products use to keep your hair healthy.

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