25 facts
First off, I just want to thank everyone who got in touch after my last post. I've had so many emails and comments and tweets from people who are going through something similar and I've had so much support that it's been truly incredible. It didn't really feel right going from that kind of post into a review of my Garmin or something, so I thought I'd write a post I've wanted to write for a while.
These "25 facts" posts were going round about a year ago (I think they were the "what's in my bag" of 2015) and I really loved them. I think part of it is because you think you "know" a blogger so well, especially if you've been reading their blog for years, but I found even the most open bloggers had some really interesting facts I didn't know about!
As you already know, if Thursday's post wasn't enough, I'm a pretty open book, so there's a chance you might know some of these things already (especially if you've been reading my blog for years - when I was receiving emails about my last post I couldn't believe the number of people who had been reading my blog since my year abroad in Minnesota nearly 6 years ago!). But I hope you learn something knew and hey, maybe we'll find some more fun things to talk about! (Real talk, I told Phil something the other day that he didn't know about me that he was totally shocked about so I had to reshuffle my list to include it!)

1. My favourite song is Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show. It reminds me of my time living abroad, especially my road trip across America. We live above an Irish pub and at least once a month I hear someone playing it downstairs and it makes me so happy.
2. But my "jam" aka, my karaoke song, is Smooth by Santana and Rob Thomas
3. I like my food really, really hot. I quite often start eating and if it's not hot enough I have to give it a minute or two in the microwave. I burn my tongue a lot.
4. When I was 17 I was in a metal band. I spent 4 hours a week realising I couldn't write songs and we never played a gig together. Two of the guys in the band were roughly twice my age.
5. When I was a lifeguard I saved two people from drowning.
6. I suffer from emetophobia (fear of being sick/other people being sick). I actually meant to mention this in my anxiety post but couldn't find a way to work it in. I've been recommended to read "Cure your emetophobia and Thrive" and I started it today, so we'll see if it helps.
7. The music I listen to hasn't really changed since I was 15. My favourite band are Brand New and I listen to mostly mid 00s emo - Fall Out Boy, Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, Something Corporate, Jimmy Eat World, Bayside, Manchester Orchestra, Panic at the disco, The Used...
8. But before that I was obsessed with Blue, wrote a letter to Lee Ryan (and got a response!), was really active on the Official Blue forum
9. And then I moved onto Livejournal, where I spent my teenage years making 100x100 icons and entering icon competitions. In fact, I think one of my icon sites is still live (okay I totally found it but I think there's a link to my old livejournal there somewhere and I don't think I'm ready to go down that rabbit hole...)
10. I've been a pescatarian since I was 11
11. I have three middle names - my full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Bridget Eve Crowley
12. Despite being an only child I have a huge family. My Dad is one of 8, so I have 14 aunties and uncles and 10 cousins. All in one room, with partners, there's about 35 of us. We're all very loud.
13. As a teenager I worked in Woolworths for two years on the sweets counter. I totally saw you steal pick n mix.
14. I don't like doughnuts, pancakes, marshmallows, pastries or popcorn. Or any kind of cream (except ice cream, duh). I tend to manage to keep this quiet until pancake day when I have to confess...
15. If I'm on a night out and Blurred Lines comes on I will just stand there and refuse to dance.
16. I really love magic. One of my all-time favourite things ever is finding one of those "50 Greatest Magic tricks" programmes on TV.
17. I always say if I ever won the lottery I'd travel the world going around theme parks. I love rollercoasters.
18. I started dancing at the age of 2 and have done some kind of dancing/performing ever since. I'm currently in a charity choir and we practice every week.
19. I can play the piano and the cello. I got up to Grade 6 piano and Grade 4 cello.
20. I have really, really bad eyesight. I wear contacts most of the time but I'm -5.00 in both eyes.
21. My favourite book is Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk.
22. I'm an absolute nightmare when I'm tired. Just get me to bed.
23. I saw Snakes on a Plane at the cinema 4 times because I was obsessed with the song at the end (this is what Phil didn't know til this week!).
24. I've completed a Teaching English as a Foreign Language course.
25. Despite having lived abroad in America twice, I'm actually a really nervous flier and whenever I'm flying I count down the time until it's over. I love travelling more than I fear flying, though.
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