
I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while, and probably won't be able to for a few days. I'm currently doing work experience in Manchester which means 6am starts and getting home at 5pm, by which time I'm exhausted!! But I won't use this as an excuse for very long- as soon as I get into a routine I'll be taking outfit photos in the afternoon after work and posting in the evenings, but for now I'm just getting used to it. I'm researching lots of new ideas for promoting this blog, I'm even considering using Twitter as it's meant to be great for bloggers, so watch this space. I'm determined to not let being busy get in the way of blogging because everyone else seems to manage it, and I won't let my blog die when I'm busy. So I promise I'll be back later this week with lots of news and lots to tell you!!

Sorry to keep you waiting, I hope I'm worth the wait!!

Charlotte xxx


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