my birthday list

In just over two weeks I am going to be *gulp* twenty years old. Which means I can no longer pull teenage strops, sulk, or act like a kid. Well, that will probably never happen, but presents most probably will!!
I absolutely love my birthday. Even though it is right at the end of march, I start getting excited as soon as February is over. I’m such an attention seeker anyway; I love having my own day. And hey, a girl only gets one a year!!
These are the main things on my birthday list this year…

Nude Shoes

I am yet to find a pair exactly like the ones I have in my head, but these are pretty similar!!
Style Books

I seem to have dozens of fashion and style books on my Amazon wishlist, but can a girl ever really have enough? I love reading and I love buying books; I'd much rather read something physical than on the internet. This one comes highly recommended, and who knows style better than Rachel Zoe?
Denim Jacket

Skull Candy Headphones

These bright pink babies have been my trademark since I was in college, but they finally decided to give up hope on me during a particularly long and seat-less journey from home back to uni. I love them. They're so comfy and I have never been able to use in-ear headphones since!!
1001 Books to Read Before You Die

I am a self confessed book obsessive. If I had the time and the money, I would just spend my life buying and reading books. Nothing beats that feeling when you bring home a new book. After I finish my degree I'm hoping to do 52 Books in 52 Weeks (which is nothing compared to the amount of reading I do for my degree!!) so I'm hoping this will be a great source of inspiration!!
With the dance show finally, and sadly over, I am back in the real world of catching up on reading and writing essays, so hopefully I'll get some chance to update my blog more over the next few weeks, and then I hope lots over the Easter break. I'm also hoping to get nagging lots of companies for journalism and fashion experience over the break too!! I have some work experience with a fashion company for two weeks though, I'm on the reserves list for Look Magazine for over summer, and I just emailed about an internship that sounds absolutely perfect for me!!
Fingers crossed; I hope you all had a lovely weekend!!
Charlotte xxx
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