Photography Inspiration.

For me, style blogging and photography go hand-in-hand. A blogger can be the best writer in the world, but the blogs that catch attention are those with beautiful pictures. Go on LookBook- you can guarantee (whether fairly or not) that the featured outfits are always beautifully shot, whether they really are the most stylish outfits or not.

I was never really interested in photography until I started blogging. I don't think I really had an appreciation for how difficult photography is, how hard it is to get it right. When I started taking my own outfit photos I started out taking them in the mirror (oh dear) before progressing to a gorillapod and later a full-size tripod.

As those of you who follow my blog will know, when I first started to hang out with Ashley of Two Eyes in The Mirror I realised the impact that a DSLR can have on outfit photos. I don't think I ever appreciated how beautiful simple outfit photos could be. Ashley a really fantastic photographer (see below!!) and she really inspired me to work harder with my photos.

After playing with an rented DSLR myself from the library I was lucky enough to get the Canon Rebil T2i at Christmas as an early 21st present. I am still a complete beginner at photography but I'm starting to read more about what my camera can do and learning about aperture, shutter speed, F-stop and all that other wonderful stuff!!

So this is just a short post on some of the photography that has inspired me and the kinds of photos I really want to be able to take myself.

Carrie of wishwishwish

Carrie's photography is constantly beautiful and inspiring. This shoot is one of my favourite shoots ever. I love everything about it. I also love the theme-ness of it- I love the use of the suitcase as a prop. This makes me really want to take more creative and fun photographs.

Annie is fairly new to the DSLR world but I love her playful poses and her fun pictures. I love the way she plays with focus and often features herself as a blur in the background. I definitely want to try these kinds of photographs.

Keiko's photos are always so beautiful and sharply focused. I love the way she plays with perspective and poses. She is also one of the few bloggers who features beautiful indoor photos- something I really need to work on here in freezing Minnesota!!

Tieka (and Brett!!) of Selective Potential

When Tieka posted these photos on her blog this week I just fell in love. They are just such beautiful, exiting, fun photos. I love that Tieka's photos always feature her somewhere doing something fun with her husband. I really like how the setting works into her outfits and pictures.

I really, really love Ashley's photography. She uses the same camera as I do so she really needs to teach me a thing or too!! I really love her soft-focused close ups and blurred backgrounds. God knows how she is still taking outfit pictures outside here in Duluth though!!

I also really wanted to feature my friend Rosie but Flick won't let me steal her photos, but you can view them here. She is a fantastic photographer and I really love her work.

I have also found some great resources for taking photographs online. Thanks to IFB for How To Take Gorgeous Self Portraits and Five Tips For Taking Better Photos of Yourself.

I hope this was inspiring and/or helpful :]]] Proper post tomorrow- I hated my outfit today!!

Charlotte xxx


  1. all of these photos are so beautiful!! i totally need to work on my photography i have had my DSLR for months now and i am sad to say i have no idea what most of the settings are :( i really need to start on that!!!

  2. Ahhhh thanks for featuring me here, girl! I'm glad you find me inspiring! It's an honor. :) These other pictures are super inspiring, too, so thanks for posting! You can never have too much inspiration. I've never heard of Keiko before, but I'm definitely going to have to check her out...both her and her photos are gorgeous!

    It's warming up so hopefully you'll be able to get outside for photos soon! Nothing beats the outdoor lighting. And for the record, I did NOT go outside at all on Saturday when it was so cold. No thank you! It was brutal.

  3. Great all the pics too....:)

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  4. This blog post is so key and spot on! I think photography plays a big role in blogs, im all about gorgeous photography! You chose such good people as examples too. I love all of these girls blogs because they always have such stunning pictures and writing! Its a win win. Love your blog girl! Happy I found it...& thankyou so much for the comment you left on my blog the other day <3

  5. great post! these pics are all inspiring!

  6. These are so lovely! I absolutely adore photography (I'm planning to study it in College) and blogging so to see the way they mix together is fantastic. For instance I really love Delightfully Tacky's outfit posts alongside with all of the examples you put up here.

    And I figured you might possibly appreciate this link, . I really adore this girls photography and maybe you'll find it sort of inspiring.

    As always I love reading your blog, keep up the fantastic work!

  7. hey! just wanted to let you know that i love reading your blog! i go to umd also and i saw you the other day in the hall, and wanted to say hi but had to run to class!


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